Loungewear That Also Works As Work-From-Home Attire

Image courtesy of alltheprettybirds.com

This December it will be one year since COVID-19 reared its ugly head in the Wuhan Province of China. Twelve months later we are headed into our second lockdown as the prediction that cold weather would result in a massive uptick in cases was sadly correct.

That said; there have been some major breakthroughs in COVID19 vaccines, and experts are predicting that we might be getting back to a more typical life by spring 2021. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Still, the fact remains that due to the lockdown, we’re not going anywhere anytime soon. Even after a vaccine is available, many companies are discussing making the work-from-home method permanent at least part-time since office space is not cheap and clearly many jobs CAN be done remotely.

It’s so tempting to just wear pajamas all the time while working from home, but don’t. It can really blur the lines between work time and off time. Let’s face it, our reality is becoming so fragmented already. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to break out your suits and heels. One of the best things about working from home is we get to be very comfortable! Fashion Reverie is here to help you answer the question “Can comfortable be chic?” YES!

Image courtesy of NakedCashmere


Cashmere is so soft and comfortable most people want to live in it! But that comfort comes with a price tag. Looking to score some cashmere without maxing out your credit cards? NakedCashmere cuts out the middleman to sell directly to the public on their website, making their exceptional pieces more affordable. Additionally, this family-owned company has a deep commitment to the environment. Their cashmere yarns carry certifications for being sustainable, fair trade, and are harvested with animal welfare in mind. If that isn’t enough to sway you, the clothes are of such high quality, that their motto is “you don’t buy NakedCashmere clothes, you collect them.”

Image courtesy of The Reformation

The Reformation

Fashion’s impact on their environment simply cannot be dismissed anymore. At The Reformation not only is sustainability critical to them but they also take great care to make sure their workers are treated well and paid fairly. You can even see pics of the workers on their website and learn a little about them! Need another reason to shop The Reformation? Their loungewear is fantastic! Super comfortable, chic, affordably priced, and easily worked into any wardrobe.

Image courtesy of fashiongonerogue.com


Looking for a bit of excitement? Leave it to Revolve to create comfy loungewear so chic the loungewear is not entirely work appropriate! They also carry a colorful line of graphic sweatshirts with band names. Revolve carries dozens of brands including Nicole Ritchie’s House of Harlow. Their stylish comfortable loungewear could easily be worn to go clubbing in! Who says party clothes must be binding?

Image courtesy of Nadaam


Cashmere is comfortable, warm, and ridiculously soft. But it is not inexpensive. While a well- cared for cashmere sweater can last years, and it may take you all those years to pay off your credit card. Nadaam was determined to produce the world’s finest cashmere sweaters but make them at affordable prices. The company is also deeply committed to sustainability as well as fair wages. They work directly with herders in Mongolia, to keep prices down. Their high-quality elegant pieces are work appropriate and nap appreciative.

Image courtesy of Backcountry


Looking for loungewear that can double as activewear? Backcountry has a HUGE catalog of high-quality relaxed athleisure wear durable enough to be workout gear but also with a high level of chic.  You can speak with a specialist online 24/7 for free at their website to get advice, ask questions etc.  Backcountry partners with National Ability Centers to ensure persons of all abilities have access to outdoor fun. Take 15% off your first order when you sign up for their mailing list.

Image courtesy of Eloquii


Looking for loungewear to fit your sexy curves? Eloquii has you covered with some super stylish duds in sizes up to 5X. Fashion Reverie recommends their relaxed velvet jumpsuit (Sadly only available in dusty rose, hear that Eloquii? We need more colors!) This saucy number is so comfortable you could nap in it, yet so pretty and elegant it could easily be worn out to dinner! Perhaps buy 20 copies and make it your lockdown uniform? Fashion Reverie is kidding … or are we?

Image courtesy of Entireworld


Entireworld like many companies are devoted to sustainability and ethical business practices; however, Entireworld distinguishes themselves by focusing on comfort and durability.  Their underwear and socks will last wash after wash and will be some of the comfortable underthings you’ll ever don.  Not only that, but their soft graphic sweaters are super fashionable. Even on Zoom calls your coworkers will be asking, “where did you get that? “

A few tips for keeping work life separate from the home, which becomes so difficult when your home is your office.

  • Have a dedicated workspace. If you can’t dedicate an entire room, designate an area. That area is to be used exclusively for work.


  • It sounds odd but since smell is strongly tied to mood, spritzing yourself with your ‘work’ perfume or cologne (only used for work) is a way to signal your brain it’s time to be productive!


  • Make sure your office knows there are certain times when you are NOT available. You won’t answer texts or emails. These times are strictly for relaxation and recharging.


  • Schedule one or two breaks during your day where you take a walk around the block (weather permitting) or perhaps march in place for 10 minutes, something to get your blood flowing.

—Cameron Grey Rose

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