Dippity Don’t Says June 2024

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Happy June! Let’s tip our hats to summer and remember to celebrate Pride Month and the trailblazers who helped pave the way for LGBTQ rights, from Harvey Milk to Marsha P. Johnson.

With the warmer weather, it’s time for beach days, mint juleps, and picnics in the park. We are about halfway through the year already, which seems unbelievable. Of course, so much has happened in fashion since then, and Fashion Reverie is here to satisfy your intrigue about what’s going on behind the scenes in fashion.

What goes up, comes down

This top fashion designer, who has dressed almost every A-list actress from Kerry Washington to Jennifer Lopez, looks like he may have to file for bankruptcy or find a buyer. The once-successful brand, which has retail partners like Saks Fifth Avenue and Bergdorf Goodman, has laid off staff amid its struggling bottom line. The wholesale model isn’t what it once was for fashion brands, with retailers often delaying payments for months, and it looks like that hit him hard. Hopefully, he can find a way to stay afloat.

The return

In some brighter news, this legendary designer has plans to stage a major anniversary show in New York City this fall. He’s known for his New York clientele, including billionaires’ daughters and wives, shelling out upwards of $80,000 for his gowns. With all the dissatisfaction over the state of New York’s runway show scene with the new Fashion Week venue, he will be a much-welcomed surprise, even for an off-calendar show.

Image courtesy of stayfitmom.com

It’s all about the benjamins

This once iconic fashion publication is under fire for publicly seeking young writers they can pay low wages, essentially promising them low rates per article. The publication is owned by a very wealthy public figure, and once news of this reached social media, there wasn’t one minute wasted raking them over the coals for trying to low ball young writers. The media climate might be tough, but people still have bills.

The promotion

The potential successor to this major designer at this French fashion house owned by a major luxury conglomerate has left his previous designer role at this top American fashion brand. It was reported the major designer he’s expected to replace was going through tough contract negotiations and would be leaving. With the proposed new designer exiting his previous role, it’s looking like those contract negotiations didn’t work out the way he hoped, and it’s time for a new era.

Mr. Dippity Don’t





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