Happy Holidays 2015

Happy_Holidays_2015_02Fashion Reverie would like to wish happy holidays to all our online viewers, and fashion PR firms, designers, brands, model management companies and other industry professionals that have worked so diligently with us in 2015.

2015 has been an incredible year of change in the fashion industry. From Donna Karan stepping down from her iconic brand to Alber Elbaz being eased out of Lanvin to Kendall Jenner, Lucky Blue Smith, and Gigi Hadid using their social media proliferation to become the new “It” supermodels of 2015 to the shuttering of Lucky and Details magazines.

Though nothing in fashion stays the same for long, Fashion Reverie continues to bring its readers detailed coverage of all the happenings in the fashion industry. Fashion Reverie wishes that your dreams came true in 2015 and that 2016 will be a prosperous year for you.  Again, Happy Holidays!!


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